
Jessica Deerheart

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Jessica Deerheart

       Jessica Deerheart didn't know when her dream began, though she had some guesses. Maybe it was the first time boys picked on her while taking advantage of her physical weakness. Perhaps it was the time she wanted to help her father build a shed, but he said she wasn't strong enough. In any case, she had begun determinedly doing push-ups at a very young age, started doing pull-ups while still in elementary school, got into weight-lifting the summer before starting seventh grade, and became the first female on her high school's weight lifting team. The determined 22-year-old deer had spent over half her life in pursuit of her dream: to be the greatest female bodybuilder of all time.
       Things had often been difficult. The carnivores at the gym could eat plenty of animal protein (taken from unintelligent, non-sentient animals,) while herbivores like Jessica had to settle for plant protein. Nonetheless, the doe's determination had led to biceps like watermelons, abs like rocks, and legs like tree trunks. Still her dream remained out of reach.
       Jessica worked hard to earn a college degree in physical therapy. She became good friends with a rabbit named Susan Hoppington who was working toward a degree in archeology. The seemingly mismatched brainy rabbit and hulking doe proved to be a great match. Susan helped Jessica with academic work, and in return received help getting in shape. Yet, their biggest chance to help each other came quite unexpectedly.
       "Jessica, come here quickly!" Susan's eyes remained fixed on her computer screen as she urgently called to her friend from her dormitory room.
       "What's wrong?" The deer sounded concerned as she entered the room.
       "Nothing! In fact, things are spectacular!" Susan adjusted the glasses perched atop her muzzle. Then she kept speaking while still fixated on the computer screen. "For some time, a few archeologists have believed in the existence of an ancient civilization known as Karazeth. They think those people had a form of technology unlike anything else. Now, archeologists have found strong new evidence supporting the existence of Karazeth!"
       "Really?" Jessica found the news fascinating.
       "Here is the best part!" This statement by Susan made Jessica's ears twitch with anticipation. "Based on data the archeologists posted on this website, I think one Karazeth ruins site might be somewhere in our town! You and I might be on the verge of an amazing find!"
       Jessica stomped with excitement. Her hoof shook the floor, which led to much apologizing from the deer.
       The rabbit spent much of the next several days analyzing data, though she still took time to eat lunch with her best friend. At one point, they got into an argument over who was taller. Susan pointed out her long ears made her taller by less than an inch, while Jessica said ears shouldn't count. It was just fun between friends, though. Both of them got a good laugh out of it.
       At last, the rabbit had exciting news for her deer friend. "Jessica, I think I figured out where the ruins are! Moreover, I think they contain an astounding Karazeth artifact: the Mirror of Essence Revelation!"
       After the two calmed down and stopped getting weird looks from others, they prepared for their expedition. It took several more days. To avoid becoming too obsessed, they also spent time working out and shopping for fun. Susan bought stylish new glasses and pocket protectors. Jessica bought comfortable, modest outfits for working out in. They had to have large sleeves so her bulging biceps and triceps wouldn't destroy the sleeves.
       Not long after the preparations had been completed, the short-tailed explorers appeared to be fishing. Passers-by found it strange to see two herbivores engaged in such an activity, but things were not as they appeared.
       "I think I found the hidden buttons!" It took great effort for Susan to remain steady as she carefully maneuvered her fish hook to push carefully concealed buttons on the side of the river wall. Then the two friends had to dive into the water to avoid having their screams of excitement heard form miles around. A secret passage leading underground opened.
       Dust filled the old, dark, crumbling ruins like stars filling a clear night sky. Though this resulted in much sneezing from Susan, it also gave her a sense of stepping into a new universe. Jessica thought she could feel her muscles growing as she worked hard to clear debris and rubble so the archeologists could keep proceeding. Obviously, both members of the duo felt much delight.
       The herbivores found inscriptions to decipher, tools to analyze, partially intact buildings to study, and other things that could be used to learn more about the Karazeth people. However, the two were focused on finding one particular artifact: the Mirror of Essence Revelation.
       At last they came to a heavily reinforced chamber in better condition than the rest of the ruins. The place offered great opportunities to learn about Karazeth architecture and culture, but the attention of the deer and rabbit instantly fixed on a large, ornate mirror. The exceptionally well-made glass was framed by platinum containing intricate carved shapes of non-sentient animals. Susan almost told Jessica they had found the Mirror of Essence Revelation, but the look in the doe's eyes said she already knew.
       Jessica noticed pictures of feral elephants carved into the mirror frame. Silently, she thought, The sentient, bipedal elephants at the gym aren't much stronger than me, but feral, quadrupedal elephants are the strongest creatures on land. Maybe they are related to my essence. She failed to recognize the dangerous arrogance growing in her.
       While Jessica pondered, Susan went right up to the mirror. As soon as her reflection showed, the rabbit and artifact both glowed brightly. The deer watched in astonishment as her friend became a mighty feral elephant stronger than any five ordinary sentient beings.
       The trunked archeologist took a moment to enjoy her phenomenally strong new form. Jessica rushed toward the mirror while thinking, If her essence is a feral elephant, what is mine? Maybe inside I'm a legendary dragon as strong as a herd of elephants! Still she failed to notice the arrogance forming inside her.
       As gentle, non-blinding light filled the doe's vision, she expected to see everything around her look tiny. Instead, she received a huge surprise as everything looked huge. Her head seemed low to the ground so she initially thought she must be quadrupedal. However, she quickly noticed her elongated body had many legs. She was a caterpillar!
       Jessica couldn't help feeling scared as she thought about how much Susan exceeded her in size and strength; she could crush her so easily!
       Susan's large eyes blinked several times when she saw her friend's diminutive new form. She thought about how much easier it would be for Jessica to hide from someone both creatures wanted to avoid.
       Both transformations wore off quickly. Susan shook with astonishment. "That was incredible! Such a thing shouldn't have been possible! Jessica, think about what a discovery we just made. This could change the world. Isn't this phenomenal?"
       To the rabbit's surprise, her friend didn't answer. "Huh? Jessica?"
       The deer stood with her head lowered. She was so deep in despair that she barely breathed.
       "Jess, what's wrong?" Susan really wanted to know why her friend wasn't happy about the discovery.
       "I... I need some time alone to think." The doe's hooves barely made any noise as she slowly walked away while her rabbit friend watched wide-eyed and open-mouthed.
       As Jessica walked across a grassy field, she felt utterly small and weak. She realized that despite all the hours she had put into gaining physical strength, she would still be flattened in a fight with a feral elephant or torn apart if she fought a feral grizzly bear.
       She saw a nearby forest and thought about trees that had withstood hurricanes she would have had to take shelter from. She saw buildings not too far away. This brought thoughts of construction workers with less muscle than her, but using powered vehicles to perform far greater feats of strength. She saw a plant known to be poisonous and thought of how useless her strength would be if someone decided to murder her using deadly poison or a powerful modern gun.
       She saw a meteorite zoom across the sky and cried as she thought about how much its physical power exceeded her own. After realizing a meteor shower was occurring at ideal viewing distance, she hurried into the forest to obscure her view of the cosmic phenomenon.
       She made a terrible mistake! In her state of feeling small and weak, the trees looked like towering monsters. Frozen with fear, she wished she was a caterpillar again so she could crawl under something and hide.
       The trees looked mountainous once Jessica found herself back in the form of a many-legged insect. She quickly realized the forest had many birds, tree frogs, and other creatures that would want to eat her. Overwhelmed with fear, she crawled under a small cluster of leaves and hid.
       As time passed, Jessica became hungry. The leaves proved tasty. It felt surprisingly good to relax in a warm little space while munching on leaves.
       Abruptly, the caterpillar felt the ground shake. She shuddered as she thought of how flat she could be crushed by a creature heavy enough to cause such vibrations. A brief instant passed between each mini-tremor. Jessica felt intense suspense each time she waited to see if she would still be alive when the next vibration came.
       A realization cut through the insect's fear. The time between ground shakings corresponded to the rate her friend Susan tended to hop at. The rabbit must have been looking for her! Suddenly full of hope, the caterpillar crawled out from under the leaves and onto a small fern, which drooped under her weight. She crawled onto a larger fern, spotted her friend, and desperately moved her front half up and down to try to get Susan's attention.
       The rabbit spotted the caterpillar and recognized her dear friend. She tried to speak to Jessica, but realized a caterpillar wouldn't be able to hear her properly. So, with the care and caution of an archeologist handling a precious artifact, she picked the fern with the insect still on it and brought it back to her dormitory room.
       Through experimenting, the two friends figured out how to change into their essence forms and back as desired. Susan felt very confused. "You should have been the elephant, Jessica. How in the world did I become an elephant while you became a caterpillar?"
       The deer smiled. "I think I have it figured out. You've made huge discoveries that will probably echo far and wide like an elephant's trumpeting. In fact, they just might reshape things like an elephant's feet trampling the ground. I still have lots of growing to do. Moreover, I'll need the support of many people just like a caterpillar needs the support of many legs."
       Susan blinked in surprise. "You seem surprisingly happy about all of this."
       Jessica's smile grew. "I received a valuable lesson in humility. Moreover, the small fern's inability to hold me, followed by my rescue by the mighty giant named Susan, helped me realize some of what physical strength is really for."
       Over time, Jessica did volunteer construction work to help build houses for poor people who couldn't afford expensive construction technology. Her muscles enabled her to do things none of the other volunteers could. She also did volunteer P. E. coaching to help others grow stronger.
       The doe continued pursuing her dream of being the greatest female bodybuilder of all time. She received help and support from many people including family, friends, coaches, nutritionists, competitors, doctors, health researchers, and others. She received great support from her best friend Susan, who helped her grow intellectually as well as physically. I still have lots of growing to do, thought the deer. In fact, I think it might be time for a special kind of growth. One that might symbolize other things.
       After Jessica changed into a caterpillar, she got an intense workout as she spun a cocoon. If the purpose of working out and then resting is to change one's body for the better, then it definitely worked when Jessica emerged as a beautiful butterfly. Leaving some of her old body's limitations behind, she took flight and enjoyed much scenery while noticing details she had always missed while larger. Silently, she thought, It's okay to be small. Once you grow your wings, you have a huge world to explore.
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